The SeaTac Farmers Market inaugural season begins on July 3rd and will operate monthly, on the first Wednesday of each month, through November, from 3pm to 7pm (July 3, Aug. 7, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, & Nov. 6). The market is hosted in the east parking lot of the Matt Griffin YMCA, 3595 S...
SeaTac Farmers Market
The Slack Tide Fisheries mission is simple; wild, local, sustainable seafood for local people, direct from your fisherpeople. Each fishing season we set out to harvest our share of the salmon runs and crab biomass. When we are salmon fishing, we use a proprietary bleeding technique to retain the quality of our fillets. Our...
Located in the heart of central Washington, family-owned Central Bean has been providing some of the best beans available for more than 40 years. Our Identify Preserved (IP) operations keep the beans from each grower, field and even truckload totally separate and identifiable. This IP system provides 100% traceability of our products, maximizes sustainable...
We are a family owned and operated refrigerated salsa and cabbage wholesale business located in North Central Washington, established in 2019. Our salsa recipe was perfected from a desire to consume great tasting salsa. With generations of family recipes we have a great foundation. Our current list of products are: two restaurant style red...
For sale – Veggie seeds, Fruit trees, Berry Bushes, Goat Meat, Lamb/sheep meat, Firewood, Petting Zoo. Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens Organic Farm is a 12-acres farm, located near the Nisqually Indian reservation in Yelm, Washington. Its main focus is not on making money, but on educating the children using the PETTING ZOO as...
We are a regenerative farm and ranch in Washington state offering grass-fed lamb, beef from pasture-raised cows, pasture-raised eggs, and organic crops. Please visit our website to learn more about us, browse the online ranch shop, find links to follow us on social, and join our newsletter to stay up to date on our...