Xai C. Farm

Business Type: Producer

Seattle, WA

    • Xai C. Farm
    • Seattle, WA

About Us

Xai Cha and her husband Kher Thao have always grown produce and vegetables in their backyard to feed their large, growing family. That was the way of life back in the highland of Laos, their homeland. For a bit of money, they began selling their vegetables at Pike Place Market in 1995 and through trial and error, have curated a selection of robust, cut flower crops that do well in the Northwest on their 20 acre farm in Snohomish, Washington. In the past 5 years or so, they have also been experimenting with tomatoes in their green houses as well! Today, they are an operating 20 acre farm in Snohomish. Half of it, seasonal flowers. The other half, produce and vegetables and two 100 foot greenhouse tunnel. You’ll find them at multiple farmers markets throughout the city as also, by ordering their beautiful flowers online.

Our Products

  • Locally Raised, Harvested, Grown
    • Flowers, Nursery & Trees
      • Cut Flowers

Retail Info

Where to Purchase

  • Farmers Markets
  • My Website