Twin Brook Creamery

Business Type: Producer

Lynden, WA

    • Twin Brook Creamery
    • Lynden, WA

About Us

We are a family dairy that milks Jersey cows and only puts the milk in glass returnable bottles. We have no on-farm retail but to find a list of locations where you can purchase products, go to our website and click on store locations.

Growing & Operating Practices

We strive to be the best possible stewards of the land, raising purebred Jersey cows that produce milk with a higher protein and butterfat content, greatly enhancing the flavor. We use no synthetic hormones (such as RBST) that artificially stimulate growth or milk production, giving us happy, healthy cows and the most natural milk a cow can produce. During the summer months we pasture the "girls" and we also put up our extra fields of grass which we use for the cows feed during the winter months. We do not use commercial fertilizer or pesticides on our grass fields or pastures, so the feeds that they eat are as close to natural as we can provide them.

We are kosher under the Va'ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle Kashrut Division.

Member of:

Our Products

  • Locally Raised, Harvested, Grown
  • Locally Made
    • Beverages, Non-alcoholic
Additional Products

1%, 1% milk, 2%, 2% milk, Chocolate milk, Eggnog, fat free milk, Fat Free Milks. Chocolate and Strawberry milk. Half & half and heavy cream., half & half, heavy cream, seasonally. Whole, seasonally. whole milk, strawberry milk

Our Values

Learn more about the Eat Local First Values Indicators.

    • Kosher