Seattle Urban Honey

Business Type: Producer

Seattle, WA

    • Seattle Urban Honey
    • Seattle, WA

About Us

Paul and Pat Perkins started Seattle Urban Honey in 2008 with the purchase of one hive. One of their daughters was designing a honey house (a place for processing honey) as an assignment for an architecture class. There was a lot to learn about beekeeping and the needs of a beekeeper in order to understand the project. In the course of her work, she realized that her parents would really enjoy keeping bees. The result was the purchase of a beekeeping lesson as a Christmas present for her parents.

Paul and Pat Perkins took the beekeeping lesson and purchased that first hive along with supporting materials. A second hive was purchased later that spring. Then, both hives swarmed and there were 4 hives. At the end of the first summer, they harvested 90 pounds of honey of dark minty honey.

In 2009, while shopping at the Phinney Farmers Market, Paul and Pat noticed that the honey vendor had a sign up saying he would be out of the market for 3 weeks. Paul and Pat applied to substitute for him and were accepted. The other honey vendor never came back and Pat and Paul continued selling in his spot until the end of the 2019 market season. The University District Farmers market sales started in about 2014 and continue to the present.

Seattle Urban Honey is a true taste of place and time. The individual harvests from different apiaries are bottled and labeled separately. Currently, Paul and Pat keep bees in 6 different areas: Green Lake (Seattle), University of Washington Center for Urban Horticulture (Seattle), Queen Anne (Seattle), Wedgwood (Seattle), Fall City, and Carnation. The Fall City and Carnation hives are on farms near the Snoqualmie River. The country hives produce honey with a different flavor profile from the city hives. The city hives tend to produce honey with complex flavors because of the many different flowers that the bees visit. The country hives tend to produce large amounts of delicious blackberry honey.

Seattle Urban Honey is sold raw and unfiltered. The only treatment is sieving out the larger wax chunks. Quick bottling helps preserve the floral aromatics. Enjoy a floral profile of a local area by sampling Seattle Urban Honey.

Our Products

  • Locally Made
  • Honey

Retail Info

Where to Purchase

  • Farmers Markets