- Plowsong Farm
- Sequim, WA
About Us
Sustainably, locally grown produce, primarily garlic for culinary use and as seed, available Sept 1st for as long as inventory lasts. We farm using our Shire draft horses for most field work, annual hay-making and general chores. We also train horses to work in harness and occasionally accept students who want to learn how to farm with horses. We have nearly 50 years of experience training draft horses for use on the farm.
Please call (425-330-3202) before visiting the farm to make sure we are available to meet with you and that we have the product you're looking for.
Growing & Operating Practices
We farm sustainably in the organic tradition because we eat what we grow, but we are not certified organic.
Our Products
- Locally Raised, Harvested, Grown
- Eggs
- Eggs (Chicken)
- Vegetables & Herbs
- Garlic
- Eggs
Retail Info
Last updated: 05/8/2024