Okanogan Highlands Lavender Farm

Business Type: Producer

Tonasket, WA

    • Okanogan Highlands Lavender Farm
    • 114 Barker Mountain Road
    • Tonasket, WA 98855

About Us

Okanogan Highlands Lavender Farm is a non profit, eco-education farm in rural North Central Washington.

Our off grid, mountain top farm uses solar and wind energy to run the farm house and processing building where we make high quality wellness products using our lavender and other quality organic ingredients.

The ultimate goal of Okanogan Highlands Lavender Farm is to highlight sustainability as a farm in the shrub steppe region of North Central Washington State. We consider the natural environment in all that we do at OHLF. We grow lavender organically and naturally, and though we do not currently have USDA certification, we are confident in our knowledge that we are doing our best to maintain the delicate symbiotic balance of the soil.

Through the use of wind and solar energy, we’ve drastically reduced our use of fossil fuels. We trade fairly in the local market, offering a variety of lavender products both online and local retail, but the true value of the farm is in its capacity to support environmental education and foster contemplation of this beautiful ecosystem in which we live.

Regarding where to find our products other than online - we have, in the past, sold at farmers markets (and may, in the future sell at farmers markets again) but currently we are selling at small retailers like Paws Produce Market (Oroville) and nurseries like Baker's Acres in Tonasket and 'Chelle's in Okanogan. Caso's Country Foods is a new retail store in Okanogan, carries our wellness products and our new lavender hydrosol all purpose cleaner.

We aim to make OHLF a beacon of possibility for people looking for a more sustainable, more deeply connected existence. By purchasing our lavender products you help the organization establish educational outlets for people interested in environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Growing & Operating Practices

Sustainable agriculture is something we are passionate about. The ultimate goal of Okanogan Highlands Lavender Farm is to highlight sustainability as a farm in the shrub steppe region of North Central Washington State. We consider the natural environment in all that we do at OHLF. We grow lavender organically and naturally, and though we do not currently have USDA certification, we are confident in our knowledge that we are doing our best to maintain the delicate symbiotic balance of the soil. Through the use of wind and solar energy, we’ve drastically reduced our use of fossil fuels.

Our Products

  • Locally Raised, Harvested, Grown
    • Flowers, Nursery & Trees
      • Lavender
    • Vegetables & Herbs
      • Herbs & Botanicals
      • Herbs (Fresh)

Our Services

  • Educational Experiences
    • Classes
    • Tours
  • Children's Activities

Retail Info

Where to Purchase

  • My Website