Inland FoodWise Online Journal

Business Type: Education, Access & Advocacy

Tumtum, WA

    • Inland FoodWise Online Journal
    • 7034 Washington 291
    • Tumtum, WA 99034

About Us

The Inland FoodWise Online Journal is dedicated to reporting on issues related to building a regenerative Inland Northwest local food system. We all eat, and we all have a stake in what goes on in the foodshed. Not only that, but because food is so fundamental to our existence on so many levels (our health, productivity, economic well-being, quality of life, sense of community... where does one stop?), the intention is for this journal to be a vehicle that informs as well as activates its readership to take positions on food policy and push our decision-makers to refine their perspectives and make the right choices.

YOUR CONTENT IS INVITED- The Inland FoodWise Newsletter could include interviews with local food activists, farmers and gardeners, profiles of local food businesses and non-profits and write-ups about current food policy issues. All you need to do is contact the editor to submit proposed content. Keep in mind, the newsletter's editorial approach is one of unabashed advocacy journalism with a strong point of view founded on the values of the original organic food movement, progressive regenerative agriculture and permaculture principles. If your content is time sensitive, like an action alert, we can arrange for it to go out to our 800+ subscriber email list of folks like you who care about our food, our planet and our people.

Our Services

  • Local Resources
    • Regional Info
  • Food Access & Nutrition Education

Retail Info
