Bright Ide Acres

Business Type: Producer

Orting, WA

About Us

Our passion is ethically raised meat. Too often the meat found in the grocery stores comes from animals that weren't allowed to live natural lives. In addition to the ethical issues raised, the meat from such animals is less nutritious and flavorful than it should be. We are dedicated to providing our animals with the best care possible and allow them to engage in their natural behaviors.

The cows graze our lush pasture grasses, the pigs root up grubs and roots, while the poultry scratch and peck at fresh greens and protein-dense insects. When the wet winters hit we deep bed our livestock in barns. Any supplemental feed provided is non-GMO and WA State-grown. The meat harvested from such creatures far surpasses what is commercially available, and we encourage our friends and neighbors to give it a try. We are proud of our high standards, and we think you will be too.

Our farm is located on the traditional land of the Puyallup Tribe, and we recognize their continued presence and community in our region. We also acknowledge our roles as temporary stewards of this space. We are honored that our farm has been conserved by Washington Farmland Trust, and we strive to work in a way that will benefit and enhance the health of this land for generations to come.

We produce pasture raised meats including chicken, turkey, pork, and beef. Our poultry are processed in the Halal method.

Growing & Operating Practices

These days it is far too easy to purchase cheaply priced, bland meat in the grocery store without acknowledging the life that was sacrificed to get it there. At Bright Ide Acres we believe that we have a responsibility to our animals. Our animals spend the growing season outside on pasture, enjoying the green grass, grubs, and other tasty tidbits. Any supplementary feed provided is non-GMO, corn, and soy-free, consisting of freshly milled grains from Washington State. The animals are rotated around the farm in a way that promotes soil fertility.

Member of:

Our Products

  • Locally Raised, Harvested, Grown
    • Meat & Poultry
      • Beef
      • Chicken
      • Pork
      • Poultry
      • Turkey
  • Locally Made
    • Home & Personal Care
Additional Products

Dog treats

Our Services

  • Educational Experiences
    • Classes
    • Student Field Trips
    • Tours

Retail Info

Where to Purchase

  • Farm Stand/Farm Store
  • My Website

Payments Accepted

  • Accepts Credit Cards
  • Accepts Personal Checks
  • Paypal

Distribution Methods

  • On Farm Pick-up
  • Ship to Consumer