August 2023

A celebration of our local food community

All throughout August, join Tilth Alliance as we celebrate our local food community in King County and the incredible people who make it possible – the farms, fishers, farmers markets, local grocers, chefs, and makers who grow, raise, source, prepare and create the amazing bounty of food we get to enjoy. 
Each week we’ll highlight different ways to connect with and enjoy local food in King County, along with special events, activities, recipes, where to buy local products, resources, and enter-to-win with over $1,000 delicious prizes from local farms, markets and restaurants!

August 6-12: Farmers Market Week 

August 13-19: Locally Made Week 

August 20-26: Farm Week 

August 27-31: Restaurant Week 

Eat Local Month King County is made possible with funding from the King Conservation District and presented by PCC Community Markets with additional support from Seattle Good Business Network, After95 creative, 21 Acres, Harbor Foodservice and the Seattle Farmers Market Association.  

Eat Local Month Events  

So much fun! Here’s a complete list of events and farm-friendly happenings during Eat Local Month, including festivals, on-farm dinners, classes, Zucchini Races and more!

Let’s eat local!

Eating local doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. To inspire your taste buds, and add some delicious flavors to your meals, we’ve put together this list for you.

These recipes focus on simple, fresh ingredients that won’t break the bank. Some, like PCC Community Market’s recipe page feature cooking tips and guides that can help stretch your food dollars. If your CSA is overflowing and you’re ready to press the veggie pause button, check out this blog story by King County farmer Noah Kay of Songbird Haven Farm or this piece on cooking with kids and your CSA.  And don’t forget – both the King County Library and Seattle Public Library are terrific (and free!) resources for cooks of all ages and stages.

Find local food

Looking to connect with farms and local food businesses in King County? August is peak season as we head into the last push of summer and the fall harvest season. This is prime time for vegetable variety and taking home summer’s finest produce. You can also find seasonal and year-round CSAs, a wide range of locally made food and beverages, sources for local meat, fish and non-food products like personal care, yarn, fiber and wool, and more.

Eat Local Month Resources

We’ve got you covered on how to eat local with ease.

Thank you to our sponsors