There are many ways that we work together with organizations and individuals. Below is a list of existing as well as developing roles within Eat Local First (ELF). We’re currently creating more documentation for each of the roles below to include benefits and expectations for each. If you are interested in learning more about a particular role, please use the form at the bottom of this page, or email with questions.
Eat Local First Collaborative Member:
An organization or municipality that contributes direct support to the mission and work of the Eat Local First Collaborative. Support may be in the form of cash contribution, in-kind staff time, and/or other matching resources. The org may nominate an individual to represent them on the Eat Local First steering committee either as a voting member or as an advisory, non-voting member. This is a good fit for an org that might not have it’s own programming for a certain area of ELF work but wants to be a contributor to it. This differs from the individual’s role as a Steering Committee Member.
Click here to view our current Collaborative members
Voting Steering Committee Members:
As outlined in the Eat Local First bylaws, the Eat Local First Collaborative is guided and supported by a Steering Committee composed of 9-15 individuals. These individuals may or may not be representing an organization or municipality in this role. Members who are not compensated for their representation and participation in ELF work by their organization may be eligible for a stipend in accordance with their participation.
Advisory Steering Committee Members:
As outlined in the Eat Local First bylaws, the Eat Local First Collaborative is guided and supported by a Steering Committee composed of 9-15 individuals. These individuals may or may not be representing an organization or municipality in this role. Members who are not compensated for their representation and participation in ELF work by their organization may be eligible for a stipend in accordance with their participation. These members do not vote.
Fiscal Sponsor:
Organizations that serve as administrative and fiscal overseers of all activities including supervising and managing grants and contracts, staff, and contractors working on behalf of Eat Local First Statewide campaigns and the WA Food & Farm Finder. Currently, Sustainable Connections and Tilth Alliance are serving in this capacity.
Our work would not exist without the ongoing support of our funding partners. Currently, our sustaining partners are the USDA through an FMPP grant, WSDA through the generous support of the Washington State Legislature, Pierce County, and the Whatcom Community Foundation. We are in need of additional funding support and hope to be able to grow our work with the support of more municipalities and groups with a vested interest in increasing awareness and visibility of Washington’s farms and food organizations.
Employees of the fiscal sponsor organizations are responsible for carrying out the work outlined in grants/contracts and furthering the mission of the Eat Local First Collaborative. Current dedicated staff roles are: Eat Local First Director, Maressa Valliant and Outreach Coordinators Jess Meyer and Sage Zahorodni.
Regional Lead:
An individual taking moderate ownership over one of our 11 regions in the State of Washington. This person may be compensated through a stipend or contract with one of the fiscal sponsors or may provide in-kind time as part of an organization’s contribution to the Eat Local First Collaborative (see Collaborative Member).
Outreach Specialist:
A contracted individual working on behalf of the Eat Local First Collaborative to complete outreach objectives, primarily for the recruitment and maintenance of listings and partners within a specific geographic area.
Promotional Partners:
Businesses, organizations, or other entities interested in supporting the work of Eat Local First and the operation of the WA Food & Farm Finder through cross-promotion and shared messaging.
Businesses, organizations, or other entities wishing to provide financial contributions to support the work of Eat Local First and the operation of the WA Food & Farm Finder.
Affiliate Membership Organization:
A food systems organization with it’s own membership that wants to have the organization and it’s members highlighted within the WA Food & Farm Finder. Examples could be an association, food hub, or local brand.
Any and all beneficiaries of the Eat Local First Collaborative’s campaigns, initiatives, and resources. Examples: farms, fishers, restaurant owners, food business owners, food access organizations, food service buyers, food systems groups, and networks such as farm-to-school, etc.